2018-2019 Complete Team Report for Class A Boys Soccer:
Updated May 6, 2019 at 11:25am

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Click Here for Excel Export (Bellevue East)
Bellevue East (4-13)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16-03/16Opponents:-- - -Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
     03/16     KearneyA17-01L0-6 39Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
     03/16     Lincoln HighA7-83L1-5 33Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
03/19/19@ Omaha BensonA6-103W1-0 44 
03/21-03/23Opponents:-- - -Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
     03/21     Omaha CentralA12-62L0-4 36Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
     03/23     Omaha NorthA0-164W5-0 41Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
03/25/19@ Millard NorthA8-82L0-5 36 
03/28/19Omaha NorthwestA6-123L0-2 33 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Omaha BurkeA12-41L2-7 39MetroTBA
     04/05     Omaha NorthwestA6-123W2-1 44MetroTBA
04/08/19Omaha BryanA8-93L1-7 33 
04/11/19@ Omaha CentralA12-62L0-6 36 
04/13/19Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L0-3 36 
04/16/19Millard SouthA5-113L1-4 33 
04/19/19Omaha WestsideA6-103L0-1 33 
04/20/19@ Lincoln NortheastA5-83L0-2 33 
04/26/19@ Omaha NorthA0-164W1-0 41 
04/30/19@ KearneyA17-01L0-8 39District A-2 TournamentKearney High School

Total Points:
Win %: 23.529%
Average Points: 37.000

Click Here for Excel Export (Bellevue West)
Bellevue West (6-11)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/15-03/16Opponents:-- - -Omaha Skutt InviteOmaha Skutt High School/Omaha Westside High School
     03/15     Omaha Skutt CatholicB12-41L1-2 39Omaha Skutt InviteOmaha Skutt High School/Omaha Westside High School
     03/16     LexingtonB13-21L0-1 39Omaha Skutt InviteOmaha Skutt High School/Omaha Westside High School
03/19/19Elkhorn SouthA7-83W2-1 (SO)44 
03/21/19@ Omaha BurkeA12-41L1-2 (SO)39 
03/25/19Omaha NorthA0-164W5-1 41 
03/28/19@ Millard SouthA5-113L1-2 33 
03/30/19Omaha NorthwestA6-123W2-1 44 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L1-2 36MetroTBA
     04/05     Millard SouthA5-113L2-3 (SO)33MetroTBA
04/10/19Millard WestA9-92W3-1 47 
04/11/19@ Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L1-2 39 
04/16/19Omaha SouthA18-11L0-3 39 
04/18/19@ ColumbusB12-41L0-2 39 
04/22/19@ Omaha BryanA8-93W4-2 44 
04/25/19@ Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L0-3 36 
04/30/19Omaha WestsideA6-103W2-0 44District A-3 TournamentGretna High School
05/02/19@ GretnaA15-11L0-2 39District A-3 TournamentGretna High School

Total Points:
Win %: 35.294%
Average Points: 39.706

Click Here for Excel Export (Creighton Preparatory School)
Creighton Preparatory School (16-2)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/19/19Millard SouthA5-113W3-0 44 
03/21/19Elkhorn SouthA7-83W1-0 44 
03/23-03/23Opponents:-- - -St. Ignatius CupCreighton Prep
     03/23     Omaha Skutt CatholicB12-41W3-1 50St. Ignatius CupCreighton Prep
     03/23     Columbus ScotusB13-52W4-1 47St. Ignatius CupCreighton Prep
03/25/19@ Omaha WestsideA6-103W2-0 44 
03/28/19South Sioux CityB14-52W2-1 47 
04/01/19Papillion-LaVistaA14-52W3-0 47 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Millard SouthA5-113W3-0 44MetroTBA
     04/05     Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62W2-0 47MetroTBA
     04/06     Papillion-LaVistaA14-52W4-0 47MetroTBA
     04/08     Omaha SouthA18-11L0-2 39MetroTBA
04/11/19Bellevue WestA6-113W2-1 44 
04/16/19@ Omaha NorthwestA6-123W6-0 44 
04/20/19@ Omaha BryanA8-93W2-0 44 
04/22/19Millard WestA9-92L1-2 (SO)36 
04/26/19Omaha SouthA18-11W2-1 50 
04/29/19Lincoln North StarA2-144W4-1 41District A-4 TournamentPrep
05/01/19Omaha CentralA12-62W3-2 (SO)47District A-4 TournamentPrep

Total Points:
Win %: 88.889%
Average Points: 44.778

Click Here for Excel Export (Elkhorn South)
Elkhorn South (7-8)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/15/19Millard SouthA5-113W1-0 (SO)44 
03/19/19@ Bellevue WestA6-113L1-2 (SO)33 
03/21/19@ Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-1 39 
03/25/19Omaha CentralA12-62L0-3 36 
03/28/19@ Omaha NorthA0-164W8-0 41 
03/30/19@ ElkhornB7-103W3-0 44 
04/01/19Omaha BensonA6-103W3-0 44 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Omaha CentralA12-62L1-2 (OT)36MetroTBA
     04/05     Millard WestA9-92W4-3 (OT)47MetroTBA
04/11/19Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L0-1 36 
04/13/19Lincoln North StarA2-144W6-0 41 
04/16/19@ Omaha WestsideA6-103W2-1 44 
04/22/19@ Omaha SouthA18-11L0-4 39 
04/26/19@ Millard WestA9-92L0-1 36 
04/30/19Millard WestA9-92L1-2 36District A-2 TournamentKearney High School

Total Points:
Win %: 46.667%
Average Points: 39.733

Click Here for Excel Export (Fremont)
Fremont (3-12)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/14/19Lincoln HighA7-83 CANCELLED - 
03/22/19ColumbusB12-41L1-3 39 
03/23/19Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L1-4 36Triangular (host: Fremont)
03/23/19PlatteviewB2-134W5-1 41Triangular (host: Fremont)
03/28/19@ Lincoln NortheastA5-83L0-3 33 
03/30-03/30Opponents:-- - -Norfolk TournamentNorfolk
     03/30     South Sioux CityB14-52L0-3 36Norfolk TournamentNorfolk
     03/30     North PlatteB11-92W2-1 47Norfolk TournamentNorfolk
04/01/19Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L0-10 39 
04/04/19KearneyA17-01L0-5 39 
04/06/19@ Lincoln North StarA2-144W4-1 41 
04/11/19Lincoln SoutheastA6-73L1-2 33 
04/15/19@ NorfolkA5-103L1-2 33 
04/16/19@ Lincoln Pius XB5-113L0-1 33 
04/18/19Grand IslandA9-62L1-2 36 
04/22/19@ Lincoln EastA12-31L0-2 39 
04/30/19@ GretnaA15-11L1-9 39District A-3 TournamentGretna High School

Total Points:
Win %: 20.000%
Average Points: 37.600

Click Here for Excel Export (Grand Island)
Grand Island (9-6)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/18/19Lincoln North StarA2-144W8-0 41 
03/21/19@ Lincoln SoutheastA6-73L0-1 33 
03/23/19Omaha SouthA18-11L1-5 39 
03/25/19NorfolkA5-103W6-1 44 
03/28/19HastingsB4-103W8-1 44 
04/01/19@ ColumbusB12-41L0-2 39 
04/04/19@ Lincoln EastA12-31W3-2 (SO)50 
04/08/19Lincoln HighA7-83W5-3 44 
04/11/19@ Lincoln Pius XB5-113W5-1 44 
04/13/19@ Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L1-2 39 
04/16/19@ KearneyA17-01L0-3 39 
04/18/19@ FremontA3-124W2-1 41 
04/22/19@ Lincoln NortheastA5-83W4-1 44 
04/29/19Lincoln HighA7-83W3-0 44District A-5 TournamentSeacrest (LSW)
05/01/19@ Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L0-4 39District A-5 TournamentSeacrest (LSW)

Total Points:
Win %: 60.000%
Average Points: 41.600

Click Here for Excel Export (Gretna)
Gretna (15-1)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/15-03/16(To Be Determined)-- - -Columbus Scotus InviteWilderness Park
03/21/19ElkhornB7-103W5-1 44 
03/25/19@ BlairB12-62W2-0 47 
03/28/19@ PlattsmouthB2-124W10-0 41 
03/29/19Lincoln Pius XB5-113W3-0 44 
04/01/19Mount Michael BenedictineB8-93W1-0 44 
04/04/19BenningtonB6-93W5-1 44 
04/08/19Nebraska CityB5-113W6-0 44 
04/09/19@ NorrisB10-52W2-1 47 
04/11/19WaverlyB7-72W3-0 47 
04/15/19Lincoln EastA12-31W3-0 50 
04/16/19@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB12-41L1-2 39 
04/23-04/26Opponents:-- - -Eastern Midlands Conference
     04/23     PlattsmouthB2-124W7-0 41Eastern Midlands Conference
     04/25     ElkhornB7-103W5-0 44Eastern Midlands Conference
     04/26     BlairB12-62W2-0 47Eastern Midlands Conference
04/30/19FremontA3-124W9-1 41District A-3 TournamentGretna High School
05/02/19Bellevue WestA6-113W2-0 44District A-3 TournamentGretna High School

Total Points:
Win %: 93.750%
Average Points: 44.250

Click Here for Excel Export (Kearney)
Kearney (17-0)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16-03/16Opponents:-- - -Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
     03/16     Bellevue EastA4-134W6-0 41Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
     03/16     Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62W1-0 (SO)47Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
03/19/19North PlatteB11-92W4-0 47 
03/26/19Lincoln NortheastA5-83W4-0 44 
03/27/19Lincoln Pius XB5-113W1-0 44 
03/30/19@ Lincoln SouthwestA13-21W3-2 50 
04/02/19LexingtonB13-21W2-1 50 
04/04/19@ FremontA3-124W5-0 41 
04/08/19@ Lincoln SoutheastA6-73W2-0 44 
04/09/19NorfolkA5-103W4-0 44 
04/13/19Omaha CentralA12-62W7-1 47Site: CU Morrison StadiumCU Morrison Stadium
04/16/19Grand IslandA9-62W3-0 47 
04/20/19Lincoln EastA12-31W3-0 50Double Triangular (host: Lincoln North Star)
04/20/19Lincoln North StarA2-144W5-0 41Double Triangular (host: Lincoln North Star)
04/22/19@ Lincoln HighA7-83W2-0 44 
04/30/19Bellevue EastA4-134W8-0 41District A-2 TournamentKearney High School
05/02/19Millard WestA9-92W4-2 47District A-2 TournamentKearney High School

Total Points:
Win %: 100.000%
Average Points: 45.235

Click Here for Excel Export (Lincoln East)
Lincoln East (12-3)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/15/19@ Lincoln NortheastA5-83W2-0 44 
03/18/19Lincoln SouthwestA13-21W1-0 50 
03/20/19@ Lincoln North StarA2-144W3-0 41 
03/23/19@ Omaha WestsideA6-103W1-0 (SO)44 
03/25/19Lincoln SoutheastA6-73W2-0 44 
03/28/19@ NorfolkA5-103W1-0 44 
04/04/19Grand IslandA9-62L2-3 (SO)36 
04/10/19@ Lincoln HighA7-83W2-0 44 
04/15/19@ GretnaA15-11L0-3 39 
04/17/19Lincoln Pius XB5-113W3-2 44 
04/20/19North PlatteB11-92W4-0 47Double Triangular (host: Lincoln North Star)
04/20/19KearneyA17-01L0-3 39Double Triangular (host: Lincoln North Star)
04/22/19FremontA3-124W2-0 41 
04/29/19Omaha BensonA6-103W6-1 44District A-6 TournamentBeechner / Seacrest
05/01/19Lincoln SoutheastA6-73W3-0 44District A-6 TournamentBeechner / Seacrest

Total Points:
Win %: 80.000%
Average Points: 43.000

Click Here for Excel Export (Lincoln High)
Lincoln High (7-8)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/14/19@ FremontA3-124 CANCELLED - 
03/16-03/16Opponents:-- - -Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
     03/16     Bellevue EastA4-134W5-1 41Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
     03/16     Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L0-5 36Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
03/20/19@ Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L0-2 39 
03/25/19Lincoln North StarA2-144W4-1 41 
03/27/19@ Lincoln SoutheastA6-73W4-1 44 
03/30/19Omaha BryanA8-93L0-2 33 
04/04/19NorfolkA5-103L1-2 33 
04/08/19@ Grand IslandA9-62L3-5 36 
04/10/19Lincoln EastA12-31L0-2 39 
04/18/19@ Lincoln Pius XB5-113W3-2 44 
04/20-04/20Opponents:-- - -North InviteNorth HS
     04/20     Omaha NorthA0-164W8-1 41North InviteNorth HS
     04/20     Omaha NorthwestA6-123W5-1 44North InviteNorth HS
04/22/19KearneyA17-01L0-2 39 
04/25/19Lincoln NortheastA5-83W2-0 44 
04/29/19Grand IslandA9-62L0-3 36District A-5 TournamentSeacrest (LSW)

Total Points:
Win %: 46.667%
Average Points: 39.333

Click Here for Excel Export (Lincoln North Star)
Lincoln North Star (2-14)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/18/19@ Grand IslandA9-62L0-8 36 
03/20/19Lincoln EastA12-31L0-3 39 
03/23-03/23Opponents:-- - -St. Ignatius CupCreighton Prep
     03/23     Columbus ScotusB13-52L1-2 36St. Ignatius CupCreighton Prep
     03/23     Omaha Skutt CatholicB12-41L1-3 39St. Ignatius CupCreighton Prep
03/25/19@ Lincoln HighA7-83L1-4 33 
03/30/19Lincoln Pius XB5-113W2-0 44 
04/06/19FremontA3-124L1-4 30 
04/09/19ColumbusB12-41L2-3 (SO)39 
04/12/19@ Lincoln NortheastA5-83L0-1 33 
04/13/19@ Elkhorn SouthA7-83L0-6 33 
04/16/19Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L0-7 39 
04/18/19NorfolkA5-103W1-0 (OT)44 
04/20/19North PlatteB11-92L1-2 36Double Triangular (host: Lincoln North Star)
04/20/19KearneyA17-01L0-5 39Double Triangular (host: Lincoln North Star)
04/24/19@ Lincoln SoutheastA6-73L0-3 33 
04/29/19@ Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L1-4 39District A-4 TournamentPrep

Total Points:
Win %: 12.500%
Average Points: 37.000

Click Here for Excel Export (Lincoln Northeast)
Lincoln Northeast (5-8)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/15/19Lincoln EastA12-31L0-2 39 
03/22/19Lincoln Pius XB5-113W2-1 44 
03/26/19@ KearneyA17-01L0-4 39 
03/28/19FremontA3-124W3-0 41 
04/02/19NorfolkA5-103W2-1 44 
04/04/19@ Lincoln SoutheastA6-73L1-2 (OT)33 
04/09/19@ Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L0-2 39 
04/12/19Lincoln North StarA2-144W1-0 41 
04/17/19Omaha BryanA8-93L1-2 33 
04/20/19Bellevue EastA4-134W2-0 41 
04/22/19Grand IslandA9-62L1-4 36 
04/25/19@ Lincoln HighA7-83L0-2 33 
04/29/19Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L0-2 36District A-7 TournamentPapillion-La Vista High School

Total Points:
Win %: 38.462%
Average Points: 38.385

Click Here for Excel Export (Lincoln Southeast)
Lincoln Southeast (6-7)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/21/19Grand IslandA9-62W1-0 47 
03/23/19@ Millard SouthA5-113W2-1 44 
03/25/19@ Lincoln EastA12-31L0-2 39 
03/27/19Lincoln HighA7-83L1-4 33 
04/01/19@ Lincoln Pius XB5-113L0-1 33 
04/04/19Lincoln NortheastA5-83W2-1 (OT)44 
04/06/19@ NorfolkA5-103L4-5 33 
04/08/19KearneyA17-01L0-2 39 
04/11/19@ FremontA3-124W2-1 41 
04/18/19@ Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L0-3 39 
04/24/19Lincoln North StarA2-144W3-0 41 
04/29/19Omaha BurkeA12-41W2-1 50District A-6 TournamentBeechner / Seacrest
05/01/19@ Lincoln EastA12-31L0-3 39District A-6 TournamentBeechner / Seacrest

Total Points:
Win %: 46.154%
Average Points: 40.154

Click Here for Excel Export (Lincoln Southwest)
Lincoln Southwest (13-2)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16/19@ Millard WestA9-92W3-2 47 
03/18/19@ Lincoln EastA12-31L0-1 39 
03/20/19Lincoln HighA7-83W2-0 44 
03/23/19@ Millard NorthA8-82W4-1 47 
03/25/19@ Lincoln Pius XB5-113W9-0 44 
03/28/19@ ColumbusB12-41W3-0 50 
03/30/19KearneyA17-01L2-3 39 
04/01/19@ FremontA3-124W10-0 41 
04/09/19Lincoln NortheastA5-83W2-0 44 
04/13/19Grand IslandA9-62W2-1 47 
04/16/19@ Lincoln North StarA2-144W7-0 41 
04/18/19Lincoln SoutheastA6-73W3-0 44 
04/22/19@ NorfolkA5-103W3-0 44 
04/29/19Omaha NorthwestA6-123W6-0 44District A-5 TournamentSeacrest (LSW)
05/01/19Grand IslandA9-62W4-0 47District A-5 TournamentSeacrest (LSW)

Total Points:
Win %: 86.667%
Average Points: 44.133

Click Here for Excel Export (Millard North)
Millard North (8-8)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/19/19Millard WestA9-92L2-3 36 
03/21/19@ Omaha WestsideA6-103L0-2 33 
03/23/19Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L1-4 39 
03/25/19Bellevue EastA4-134W5-0 41 
03/28/19@ Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L1-2 36 
04/02/19Omaha SouthA18-11L0-4 39 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/03     Omaha NorthA0-164W4-1 41MetroTBA
     04/04     Omaha SouthA18-11L2-6 39MetroTBA
04/11/19@ Omaha NorthA0-164 CANCELLED - 
04/13-04/13Opponents:-- - -Elkhorn EngagementElkhorn High School
     04/13     ElkhornB7-103W2-0 44Elkhorn EngagementElkhorn High School
     04/13     Omaha Skutt CatholicB12-41W3-0 50Elkhorn EngagementElkhorn High School
04/16/19Omaha BurkeA12-41W2-1 50 
04/18/19@ Omaha CentralA12-62L0-3 36 
04/22/19@ Omaha BensonA6-103W5-1 44 
04/24/19Millard SouthA5-113W2-0 44 
05/01/19Omaha BryanA8-93W3-1 44District A-1 TournamentOmaha South/Collin Field
05/02/19@ Omaha SouthA18-11L0-5 39District A-1 TournamentOmaha South/Collin Field

Total Points:
Win %: 50.000%
Average Points: 40.938

Click Here for Excel Export (Millard South)
Millard South (5-11)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/15/19@ Elkhorn SouthA7-83L0-1 (SO)33 
03/19/19@ Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-3 39 
03/21/19Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L0-1 (OT)36 
03/23/19Lincoln SoutheastA6-73L1-2 33 
03/26/19Millard WestA9-92L0-1 36 
03/28/19Bellevue WestA6-113W2-1 44 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-3 39MetroTBA
     04/05     Bellevue WestA6-113W3-2 (SO)44MetroTBA
04/11-04/13Opponents:-- - -Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
     04/12     Omaha BurkeA12-41L0-1 39Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
     04/13     Columbus ScotusB13-52W2-1 (SO)47Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
04/16/19@ Bellevue EastA4-134W4-1 41 
04/19-04/20Opponents:-- - -Millard South Invite Millard South HS
     04/19     Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L1-2 36Millard South Invite Millard South HS
     04/20     ElkhornB7-103W7-0 44Millard South Invite Millard South HS
04/22/19Omaha CentralA12-62L0-3 36 
04/24/19@ Millard NorthA8-82L0-2 36 
04/29/19Omaha CentralA12-62L0-2 36District A-4 TournamentPrep

Total Points:
Win %: 31.250%
Average Points: 38.688

Click Here for Excel Export (Millard West)
Millard West (9-9)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16/19Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L2-3 39 
03/19/19@ Millard NorthA8-82W3-2 47 
03/21/19@ Papillion-LaVistaA14-52W2-0 (OT)47 
03/23/19@ Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L2-3 36 
03/26/19@ Millard SouthA5-113W1-0 44 
03/28/19Omaha WestsideA6-103L4-5 (SO)33 
04/01/19South Sioux CityB14-52W4-1 47 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Omaha WestsideA6-103L0-1 33MetroTBA
     04/05     Elkhorn SouthA7-83L3-4 (OT)33MetroTBA
04/10/19@ Bellevue WestA6-113L1-3 33 
04/12-04/13Opponents:-- - -West Des Moines Valley InviteValley Stadium, West Des Moines, IA
     04/12     West Des Moines - Valley, IAA10-42L0-1 (SO)36West Des Moines Valley InviteValley Stadium, West Des Moines, IA
     04/13     Ankeny, IAA6-52W8-1 47West Des Moines Valley InviteValley Stadium, West Des Moines, IA
04/19-04/20Opponents:-- - -Van Metre InviteCollin Field
     04/19     Omaha SouthA18-11L1-4 39Van Metre InviteCollin Field
     04/20     Omaha CentralA12-62W2-1 47Van Metre InviteCollin Field
04/22/19@ Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21W2-1 (SO)50 
04/26/19Elkhorn SouthA7-83W1-0 44 
04/30/19Elkhorn SouthA7-83W2-1 44District A-2 TournamentKearney High School
05/02/19@ KearneyA17-01L2-4 39District A-2 TournamentKearney High School

Total Points:
Win %: 50.000%
Average Points: 41.000

Click Here for Excel Export (Norfolk)
Norfolk (5-10)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/21/19@ ColumbusB12-41L0-1 (SO)39 
03/25/19@ Grand IslandA9-62L1-6 36 
03/28/19Lincoln EastA12-31L0-1 39 
03/30-03/30Opponents:-- - -Norfolk TournamentNorfolk
     03/30     North PlatteB11-92W2-1 47Norfolk TournamentNorfolk
     03/30     South Sioux CityB14-52L1-2 36Norfolk TournamentNorfolk
04/02/19@ Lincoln NortheastA5-83L1-2 33 
04/04/19@ Lincoln HighA7-83W2-1 44 
04/06/19Lincoln SoutheastA6-73W5-4 44 
04/08/19Lincoln Pius XB5-113L1-2 33 
04/09/19@ KearneyA17-01L0-4 39 
04/13/19@ HastingsB4-103W4-1 44 
04/15/19FremontA3-124W2-1 41 
04/18/19@ Lincoln North StarA2-144L0-1 (OT)30 
04/22/19Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L0-3 39 
04/29/19@ Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L1-5 36District A-7 TournamentPapillion-La Vista High School

Total Points:
Win %: 33.333%
Average Points: 38.667

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Benson)
Omaha Benson (6-10)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16/19BlairB12-62W2-1 47Triangular (host: Omaha Benson)
03/16/19Omaha NorthwestA6-123W3-2 (SO)44Triangular (host: Omaha Benson)
03/19/19Bellevue EastA4-134L0-1 30 
03/23-03/23Opponents:-- - -Omaha Northwest InviteNorthwest High School
     03/23     Omaha ConcordiaB0-134W10-1 41Omaha Northwest InviteNorthwest High School
     03/23     Omaha NorthwestA6-123L0-2 33Omaha Northwest InviteNorthwest High School
03/28/19Omaha BurkeA12-41L2-6 39 
04/01/19@ Elkhorn SouthA7-83L0-3 33 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Omaha BryanA8-93L1-4 33MetroTBA
     04/05     Omaha NorthA0-164W2-1 41MetroTBA
04/10/19@ Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L0-2 36 
04/13-04/13Opponents:-- - -Benson CupBenson
     04/13     Omaha NorthwestA6-123W2-1 (OT)44Benson CupBenson
     04/13     South Sioux CityB14-52L2-7 36Benson CupBenson
04/20-04/20Opponents:-- - -North InviteNorth HS
     04/20     Omaha NorthA0-164W3-2 41North InviteNorth HS
     04/20     Omaha NorthwestA6-123L2-3 33North InviteNorth HS
04/22/19Millard NorthA8-82L1-5 36 
04/29/19@ Lincoln EastA12-31L1-6 39District A-6 TournamentBeechner / Seacrest

Total Points:
Win %: 37.500%
Average Points: 37.875

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Bryan)
Omaha Bryan (8-9)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/19/19@ Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L0-1 36 
03/21-03/23Opponents:-- - -Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
     03/21     Omaha NorthA0-164W4-0 41Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
     03/23     Omaha CentralA12-62L1-3 36Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
03/25/19Omaha SouthA18-11L0-4 39 
03/28/19Omaha CentralA12-62L0-1 36 
03/30/19@ Lincoln HighA7-83W2-0 44 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Omaha BensonA6-103W4-1 44MetroTBA
     04/05     Omaha SouthA18-11L1-2 39MetroTBA
04/08/19@ Bellevue EastA4-134W7-1 41 
04/11-04/13Opponents:-- - -Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
     04/11     Columbus ScotusB13-52W3-0 47Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
     04/13     Omaha BurkeA12-41L1-2 39Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
04/16/19@ Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62W2-0 47 
04/17/19@ Lincoln NortheastA5-83W2-1 44 
04/20/19Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-2 39 
04/22/19Bellevue WestA6-113L2-4 33 
04/25/19ColumbusB12-41W2-1 50 
05/01/19Millard NorthA8-82L1-3 36District A-1 TournamentOmaha South/Collin Field

Total Points:
Win %: 47.059%
Average Points: 40.647

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Burke)
Omaha Burke (12-4)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/19/19@ Omaha NorthwestA6-123W2-0 44 
03/21/19Bellevue WestA6-113W2-1 (SO)44 
03/23/19North PlatteB11-92W2-0 47 
03/28/19@ Omaha BensonA6-103W6-2 44 
04/01/19Omaha WestsideA6-103W3-1 44 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Bellevue EastA4-134W7-2 41MetroTBA
     04/05     Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L1-2 36MetroTBA
04/09/19@ Omaha NorthA0-164W6-0 41 
04/11-04/13Opponents:-- - -Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
     04/12     Millard SouthA5-113W1-0 44Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
     04/13     Omaha BryanA8-93W2-1 44Omaha Bryan Invite Omaha Bryan HS
04/16/19@ Millard NorthA8-82L1-2 36 
04/19-04/20Opponents:-- - -Millard South Invite Millard South HS
     04/19     ElkhornB7-103W3-0 44Millard South Invite Millard South HS
     04/20     Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L1-2 36Millard South Invite Millard South HS
04/23/19Papillion-LaVistaA14-52W2-1 (OT)47 
04/26/19@ Omaha CentralA12-62W2-0 47 
04/29/19Lincoln SoutheastA6-73L1-2 33District A-6 TournamentBeechner / Seacrest

Total Points:
Win %: 75.000%
Average Points: 42.000

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Central)
Omaha Central (12-6)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/19/19@ Omaha WestsideA6-103W2-0 44 
03/21-03/23Opponents:-- - -Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
     03/21     Bellevue EastA4-134W4-0 41Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
     03/23     Omaha BryanA8-93W3-1 44Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
03/25/19@ Elkhorn SouthA7-83W3-0 44 
03/28/19@ Omaha BryanA8-93W1-0 44 
03/30/19Omaha NorthA0-164W11-1 41 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Elkhorn SouthA7-83W2-1 (OT)44MetroTBA
     04/05     Omaha WestsideA6-103L1-2 (OT)33MetroTBA
04/09/19Omaha NorthwestA6-123W3-1 44 
04/11/19Bellevue EastA4-134W6-0 41 
04/13/19KearneyA17-01L1-7 39Site: CU Morrison StadiumCU Morrison Stadium
04/18/19Millard NorthA8-82W3-0 47 
04/19-04/20Opponents:-- - -Van Metre InviteCollin Field
     04/19     South Sioux CityB14-52L1-2 36Van Metre InviteCollin Field
     04/20     Millard WestA9-92L1-2 36Van Metre InviteCollin Field
04/22/19@ Millard SouthA5-113W3-0 44 
04/26/19Omaha BurkeA12-41L0-2 39 
04/29/19Millard SouthA5-113W2-0 44District A-4 TournamentPrep
05/01/19@ Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L2-3 (SO)39District A-4 TournamentPrep

Total Points:
Win %: 66.667%
Average Points: 41.333

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha North)
Omaha North (0-16)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16-03/16(To Be Determined)-- - -Fremont InviteFremont
03/21-03/23Opponents:-- - -Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
     03/21     Omaha BryanA8-93L0-4 33Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
     03/23     Bellevue EastA4-134L0-5 30Omaha Bryan InvitationalOmaha Bryan
03/25/19@ Bellevue WestA6-113L1-5 33 
03/28/19Elkhorn SouthA7-83L0-8 33 
03/30/19@ Omaha CentralA12-62L1-11 36 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/03     Millard NorthA8-82L1-4 36MetroTBA
     04/05     Omaha BensonA6-103L1-2 33MetroTBA
04/09/19Omaha BurkeA12-41L0-6 39 
04/11/19Millard NorthA8-82 CANCELLED - 
04/13-04/13Opponents:-- - -Benson CupBenson
     04/13     Omaha NorthwestA6-123L2-5 33Benson CupBenson
     04/13     South Sioux CityB14-52L0-8 36Benson CupBenson
04/16/19@ Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L0-8 36 
04/20-04/20Opponents:-- - -North InviteNorth HS
     04/20     Lincoln HighA7-83L1-8 33North InviteNorth HS
     04/20     Omaha BensonA6-103L2-3 33North InviteNorth HS
04/24/19@ Omaha NorthwestA6-123L1-5 33 
04/26/19Bellevue EastA4-134L0-1 30 
05/01/19@ Omaha SouthA18-11L0-10 39District A-1 TournamentOmaha South/Collin Field

Total Points:
Win %: 0.000%
Average Points: 34.125

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Northwest)
Omaha Northwest (6-12)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16/19Omaha BensonA6-103L2-3 (SO)33Triangular (host: Omaha Benson)
03/16/19BlairB12-62L0-3 36Triangular (host: Omaha Benson)
03/19/19Omaha BurkeA12-41L0-2 39 
03/23-03/23Opponents:-- - -Omaha Northwest InviteNorthwest High School
     03/23     Omaha BensonA6-103W2-0 44Omaha Northwest InviteNorthwest High School
     03/23     BenningtonB6-93W5-2 44Omaha Northwest InviteNorthwest High School
03/28/19@ Bellevue EastA4-134W2-0 41 
03/30/19@ Bellevue WestA6-113L1-2 33 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L0-2 36MetroTBA
     04/05     Bellevue EastA4-134L1-2 30MetroTBA
04/09/19@ Omaha CentralA12-62L1-3 36 
04/13-04/13Opponents:-- - -Benson CupBenson
     04/13     Omaha NorthA0-164W5-2 41Benson CupBenson
     04/13     Omaha BensonA6-103L1-2 (OT)33Benson CupBenson
04/16/19Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-6 39 
04/20-04/20Opponents:-- - -North InviteNorth HS
     04/20     Lincoln HighA7-83L1-5 33North InviteNorth HS
     04/20     Omaha BensonA6-103W3-2 44North InviteNorth HS
04/24/19Omaha NorthA0-164W5-1 41 
04/26/19Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L0-3 36 
04/29/19@ Lincoln SouthwestA13-21L0-6 39District A-5 TournamentSeacrest (LSW)

Total Points:
Win %: 33.333%
Average Points: 37.667

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha South)
Omaha South (18-1)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/19/19Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62W2-0 47 
03/21/19South Sioux CityB14-52W3-0 47 
03/23/19@ Grand IslandA9-62W5-1 47 
03/25/19@ Omaha BryanA8-93W4-0 44 
03/28/19Papillion-LaVistaA14-52W5-0 47 
03/30/19@ CreteB13-21W3-0 50 
04/02/19@ Millard NorthA8-82W4-0 47 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Millard NorthA8-82W6-2 47MetroTBA
     04/05     Omaha BryanA8-93W2-1 44MetroTBA
     04/06     Omaha WestsideA6-103W6-1 44MetroTBA
     04/08     Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21W2-0 50MetroTBA
04/11/19Omaha WestsideA6-103W3-0 44 
04/16/19@ Bellevue WestA6-113W3-0 44 
04/19-04/20Opponents:-- - -Van Metre InviteCollin Field
     04/19     Millard WestA9-92W4-1 47Van Metre InviteCollin Field
     04/20     South Sioux CityB14-52W5-1 47Van Metre InviteCollin Field
04/22/19Elkhorn SouthA7-83W4-0 44 
04/26/19@ Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L1-2 39 
05/01/19Omaha NorthA0-164W10-0 41District A-1 TournamentOmaha South/Collin Field
05/02/19Millard NorthA8-82W5-0 47District A-1 TournamentOmaha South/Collin Field

Total Points:
Win %: 94.737%
Average Points: 45.632

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Westside)
Omaha Westside (6-10)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/15-03/16Opponents:-- - -Omaha Skutt InviteOmaha Skutt High School/Omaha Westside High School
     03/15     LexingtonB13-21W5-2 50Omaha Skutt InviteOmaha Skutt High School/Omaha Westside High School
     03/16     Omaha Skutt CatholicB12-41L0-1 39Omaha Skutt InviteOmaha Skutt High School/Omaha Westside High School
03/19/19Omaha CentralA12-62L0-2 36 
03/21/19Millard NorthA8-82W2-0 47 
03/23/19Lincoln EastA12-31L0-1 (SO)39 
03/25/19Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-2 39 
03/28/19@ Millard WestA9-92W5-4 (SO)47 
04/01/19@ Omaha BurkeA12-41L1-3 39 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Millard WestA9-92W1-0 47MetroTBA
     04/05     Omaha CentralA12-62W2-1 (OT)47MetroTBA
     04/06     Omaha SouthA18-11L1-6 39MetroTBA
04/11/19@ Omaha SouthA18-11L0-3 39 
04/16/19Elkhorn SouthA7-83L1-2 33 
04/19/19@ Bellevue EastA4-134W1-0 41 
04/22/19Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62L2-3 (SO)36 
04/30/19Bellevue WestA6-113L0-2 33District A-3 TournamentGretna High School

Total Points:
Win %: 37.500%
Average Points: 40.688

Click Here for Excel Export (Papillion-LaVista)
Papillion-LaVista (14-5)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16-03/16(To Be Determined)-- - -Fremont InviteFremont
03/19/19Omaha BryanA8-93W1-0 44 
03/21/19Millard WestA9-92L0-2 (OT)36 
03/23/19FremontA3-124W4-1 41Triangular (host: Fremont)
03/23/19PlatteviewB2-134W6-1 41Triangular (host: Fremont)
03/25/19@ Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62W1-0 47 
03/28/19@ Omaha SouthA18-11L0-5 39 
04/01/19@ Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-3 39 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Omaha NorthwestA6-123W2-0 44MetroTBA
     04/05     Omaha BurkeA12-41W2-1 50MetroTBA
     04/06     Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-4 39MetroTBA
04/10/19Omaha BensonA6-103W2-0 44 
04/13/19@ Bellevue EastA4-134W3-0 41 
04/16/19Omaha NorthA0-164W8-0 41 
04/19-04/20Opponents:-- - -Millard South Invite Millard South HS
     04/19     Millard SouthA5-113W2-1 44Millard South Invite Millard South HS
     04/20     Omaha BurkeA12-41W2-1 50Millard South Invite Millard South HS
04/23/19@ Omaha BurkeA12-41L1-2 (OT)39 
04/25/19Bellevue WestA6-113W3-0 44 
04/29/19NorfolkA5-103W5-1 44District A-7 TournamentPapillion-La Vista High School
05/02/19Papillion-LaVista SouthA12-62W1-0 (SO)47District A-7 TournamentPapillion-La Vista High School

Total Points:
Win %: 73.684%
Average Points: 42.842

Click Here for Excel Export (Papillion-LaVista South)
Papillion-LaVista South (12-6)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

03/16-03/16Opponents:-- - -Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
     03/16     KearneyA17-01L0-1 (SO)39Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
     03/16     Lincoln HighA7-83W5-0 44Chieftain InvitationalBellevue East
03/19/19@ Omaha SouthA18-11L0-2 39 
03/21/19@ Millard SouthA5-113W1-0 (OT)44 
03/23/19Millard WestA9-92W3-2 47 
03/25/19Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L0-1 36 
03/28/19Millard NorthA8-82W2-1 47 
04/03-04/07Opponents:-- - -MetroTBA
     04/04     Bellevue WestA6-113W2-1 44MetroTBA
     04/05     Creighton Preparatory SchoolA16-21L0-2 39MetroTBA
04/11/19@ Elkhorn SouthA7-83W1-0 44 
04/13-04/13Opponents:-- - -Elkhorn EngagementElkhorn High School
     04/13     Omaha Skutt CatholicB12-41W2-1 50Elkhorn EngagementElkhorn High School
     04/13     ElkhornB7-103W3-0 44Elkhorn EngagementElkhorn High School
04/16/19Omaha BryanA8-93L0-2 33 
04/22/19@ Omaha WestsideA6-103W3-2 (SO)44 
04/24/19@ Lincoln Pius XB5-113W7-0 44 
04/26/19@ Omaha NorthwestA6-123W3-0 44 
04/29/19Lincoln NortheastA5-83W2-0 44District A-7 TournamentPapillion-La Vista High School
05/02/19@ Papillion-LaVistaA14-52L0-1 (SO)36District A-7 TournamentPapillion-La Vista High School

Total Points:
Win %: 66.667%
Average Points: 42.333