2005-2006 Complete Team Report for Class B Boys Basketball:

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Click Here for Excel Export (Alliance)
Alliance (13-12)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05SidneyB11-123L50-52 33 
12/01-12/03(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Western Conference InvitationalScottsbluff/Gering
12/02/05@ GeringB14-102L34-45 33 
12/03/05MitchellC13-184W75-36 40 
12/09/05GeringB14-102L55-57 33 
12/10/05@ Torrington, WYB15-62L47-53 38 
12/17/05SidneyB11-123W59-57 45 
12/19/05@ Grand Island Central CatholicC214-112W48-47 45 
12/19-01/01(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Pre Holiday TournamentGrand Island Central Catholic
12/20/05@ AuroraB20-21L34-57 38 
12/29/05BridgeportC215-72W64-40 50 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Alliance Holiday TournamnetAlliance Nebraska
12/30/05OgallalaB5-143W60-49 40 
01/05/06Gordon-RushvilleC112-102W45-44 45 
01/07/06ScottsbluffB17-82W59-50 50 
01/13/06@ ChadronC113-92W61-50 45 
01/20/06@ ScottsbluffB17-82L70-76 38 
01/21/06Red Cloud, SDC114-52L67-73 38 
01/27/06@ GeringB14-102L52-56 33 
02/03/06ChadronC113-92L57-69 33 
02/09/06LexingtonB6-153W60-53 40 
02/09-02/11(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -East v. West ShootoutScottsbluff
02/10/06@ McCookB10-143W81-65 45 
02/11/06@ North PlatteA10-113L39-59 35 
02/17/06@ SidneyB11-123W63-57 45 
02/18/06@ MitchellC13-184W86-53 40 
02/27/06SidneyB11-123 0-0 - 
02/27/06SidneyB11-123W65-59 45 
02/28/06@ GeringB14-102L54-58 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 52.000%
Average Points: 38.400

Click Here for Excel Export (Aurora)
Aurora (20-2)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W56-49 45 
12/03/05@ HoldregeB15-51W61-59 50 
12/09/05Columbus LakeviewB15-72W51-35 50 
12/10/05MindenC112-122W61-54 45 
12/16/05YorkB5-153W64-51 40 
12/20/05AllianceB13-122W57-34 45 
12/20-12/20(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Aurora Pre-Holiday TournamentAurora
12/28/05@ WaverlyB10-102W58-43 45 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Waverly Holiday TournamentWaverly
12/29/05@ NorrisB12-112W47-38 45 
01/05/06GretnaB15-82W57-53 50 
01/06/06@ FairburyB7-133W54-42 45 
01/13/06Central CityC16-133W50-31 40 
01/17/06@ Fillmore CentralC11-184W67-47 40 
01/20/06@ SewardB13-92W52-44 45 
01/24/06YorkB5-153W55-29 40 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
01/26/06SewardB13-92W42-39 45 
01/28/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W57-52 45 
02/04/06@ LexingtonB6-153W81-53 40 
02/10/06CreteB15-51L49-52 38 
02/11/06HastingsB10-123W63-50 45 
02/16/06@ Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W63-54 45 
02/27/06SchuylerB13-72W54-47 45 
02/28/06CreteB15-51L47-52 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 90.909%
Average Points: 43.909

Click Here for Excel Export (Beatrice)
Beatrice (15-5)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/02/05FairburyB7-133W60-33 45 
12/06/05Marysville, KSB17-31W53-38 50 
12/09/05@ CreteB15-51W45-42 50 
12/16/05NorrisB12-112W42-36 45 
12/20/05@ Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W55-42 45 
12/29/05@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133W58-40 45 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Doane TournamentCrete
12/30/05CreteB15-51W51-43 50 
01/07/06@ SewardB13-92L47-49 33 
01/13/06HoldregeB15-51W58-51 50 
01/14/06@ South Sioux CityB10-133L39-46 33 
01/16-01/21(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -River Cities ConferenceRoncalli Catholic
01/20/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W49-46 45 
01/21/06@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L51-62 38 
01/24/06@ Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W67-47 40 
01/28/06RalstonB16-102W54-39 50 
02/04/06Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62W67-57 50 
02/10/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W46-41 45 
02/11/06@ Nebraska CityB4-164W42-28 40 
02/17/06YorkB5-153W60-35 40 
02/18/06@ WaverlyB10-102L52-71 33 
02/27/06Lincoln Pius XB9-133L46-47 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 75.000%
Average Points: 43.000

Click Here for Excel Export (Blair)
Blair (16-7)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05@ Omaha BensonA13-112 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/01/05SchuylerB13-72W81-54 45 
12/06/05@ ElkhornB6-153W53-41 40 
12/13/05@ CB-Abe Lincoln, IAA1-194W67-46 42 
12/16/05@ Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W61-51 40 
12/16-12/17(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Omaha Gross Catholic TourneyOmaha Gross
12/17/05@ Boys TownC119-51L64-65 38 
12/19/05Bishop NeumannC123-21W41-36 50 
12/28/05ConestogaC16-163W88-33 40 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Ashland -Greenwood Holiday TournamentAshland
12/29/05Ashland-GreenwoodC111-112W74-52 45 
01/07/06@ NorrisB12-112L51-52 33 
01/10/06@ CB-Thomas Jefferson, IAA14-82L63-74 35 
01/12/06Nebraska CityB4-164W67-42 40 
01/17/06PlattsmouthB15-82W59-54 50 
01/24/06PlatteviewB4-174W69-39 40 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Eastern Midlands ConferenceElkhorn
01/27/06GretnaB15-82L59-62 38 
01/31/06@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133W54-45 45 
02/04/06GretnaB15-82L50-56 38 
02/07/06@ PlatteviewB4-174W81-51 40 
02/11/06Battle Creek-Ida Grove, IAC118-11L66-68 38 
02/11-02/11(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Omaha ShootoutQuest Center
02/14/06@ WaverlyB10-102W76-61 45 
02/20/06@ Glenwood, IAB1-184W80-44 40 
02/27/06ElkhornB6-153W59-33 40 
02/28/06South Sioux CityB10-133W67-54 45 

Total Points:
Win %: 69.565%
Average Points: 39.435

Click Here for Excel Export (Columbus Lakeview)
Columbus Lakeview (15-7)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05@ CreteB15-51L34-45 38 
12/03/05Boone CentralC112-112W67-56 45 
12/09/05@ AuroraB20-21L35-51 38 
12/10/05WayneC112-112W55-47 45 
12/17/05David CityC15-164W68-29 40 
12/28/05SchuylerB13-72L52-58 33 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Columbus Holiday TournamentColumbus
12/29/05Columbus ScotusC12-184W61-35 40 
01/03/06@ MadisonC14-174W51-36 40 
01/06/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W66-45 45 
01/13/06@ CentennialC113-102W47-43 45 
01/14/06FairburyB7-133W60-50 45 
01/20/06SchuylerB13-72W63-47 45 
01/23/06FairburyB7-133W66-52 45 
01/24/06SchuylerB13-72W52-49 45 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
01/26/06@ Grand Island NorthwestB8-143L43-46 33 
01/28/06@ SewardB13-92L32-33 33 
01/31/06SewardB13-92W50-38 45 
02/03/06@ AquinasC221-21L50-63 38 
02/04/06@ YorkB5-153W49-46 40 
02/11/06Columbus ScotusC12-184W47-32 40 
02/17/06Central CityC16-133W63-42 40 
02/25/06SchuylerB13-72L35-49 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 68.182%
Average Points: 40.500

Click Here for Excel Export (Crete)
Crete (15-5)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05Columbus LakeviewB15-72W45-34 50 
12/08/05@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133L46-61 33 
12/09/05BeatriceB15-51L42-45 38 
12/13/05@ AuburnC14-174W83-51 40 
12/16/05@ FairburyB7-133W58-35 45 
12/29/05ElkhornB6-153W53-39 40 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Doane TournamentCrete
12/30/05@ BeatriceB15-51L43-51 38 
01/06/06Central CityC16-133W47-34 40 
01/10/06PlatteviewB4-174W58-41 40 
01/13/06@ YorkB5-153W47-32 40 
01/14/06NorrisB12-112W50-45 45 
01/21/06GretnaB15-82L40-54 38 
01/24/06@ SewardB13-92L41-42 33 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
02/03/06@ SchuylerB13-72W63-60 45 
02/04/06WaverlyB10-102W65-63 45 
02/10/06@ AuroraB20-21W52-49 50 
02/11/06@ Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W62-42 45 
02/17/06@ SewardB13-92W63-50 45 
02/27/06SewardB13-92W54-51 45 
02/28/06@ AuroraB20-21W52-47 50 

Total Points:
Win %: 75.000%
Average Points: 42.250

Click Here for Excel Export (Elkhorn)
Elkhorn (6-15)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05Millard NorthA12-102 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/03/05@ Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W39-35 40 
12/06/05BlairB16-72L41-53 38 
12/10/05@ PlattsmouthB15-82W39-37 50 
12/16/05GretnaB15-82W53-50 50 
12/17/05@ NorrisB12-112L33-52 33 
12/29/05@ CreteB15-51L39-53 38 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Doane TournamentCrete
12/30/05@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133L39-42 33 
01/07/06Omaha NorthwestA4-184W51-47 42 
01/13/06@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133L36-46 33 
01/17/06@ ColumbusA3-194L45-49 30 
01/19/06FremontA7-163L39-55 30 
01/21/06Lincoln NortheastA19-31L56-72 40 
01/24/06@ NorrisB12-112L35-37 33 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -EMC TournamentTBA
01/31/06Omaha WestsideA8-163L51-54 35 
02/03/06@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L49-55 38 
02/10/06@ WaverlyB10-102L53-58 33 
02/17/06Nebraska CityB4-164L42-50 28 
02/21/06PlatteviewB4-174W83-35 40 
02/25/06Mount Michael BenedictineB5-164W51-19 40 
02/27/06@ BlairB16-72L33-59 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 28.571%
Average Points: 35.333

Click Here for Excel Export (Fairbury)
Fairbury (7-13)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05SuperiorC216-82 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05@ BeatriceB15-51L33-60 38 
12/09/05MilfordC18-123W54-44 45 
12/10/05@ Thayer CentralC215-72W63-53 50 
12/16/05CreteB15-51L35-58 38 
12/29/05@ Lincoln LutheranC15-153W46-45 40 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Lincoln Lutheran Holiday TournamentLincoln Lutheran
12/30/05Raymond CentralC110-113W46-44 45 
01/03/06@ CentennialC113-102L35-43 33 
01/06/06AuroraB20-21L42-54 38 
01/07/06Tri CountyC112-82L33-39 33 
01/13/06@ NorrisB12-112L31-49 33 
01/14/06@ Columbus LakeviewB15-72L50-60 38 
01/20/06YorkB5-153W60-45 40 
01/21/06@ AuburnC14-174W58-46 40 
01/23/06@ Columbus LakeviewB15-72L52-66 38 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
02/04/06@ SchuylerB13-72L50-51 33 
02/10/06@ Lincoln LutheranC15-153W39-28 40 
02/11/06SewardB13-92L39-49 33 
02/17/06@ Falls CityC116-72L43-73 38 
02/25/06Lincoln Pius XB9-133L35-57 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 35.000%
Average Points: 36.300

Click Here for Excel Export (Gering)
Gering (14-10)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05Douglas, WYB18-31L38-39 38 
12/01-12/03(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Western Conference InvitationalScottsbluff/Gering
12/02/05AllianceB13-122W45-34 45 
12/03/05Torrington, WYB15-62L46-48 38 
12/06/05@ Torrington, WYB15-62L57-59 38 
12/09/05@ AllianceB13-122W57-55 45 
12/10/05@ ChadronC113-92W56-52 45 
12/13/05Wheatland, WYB8-133W58-51 45 
12/16/05@ MitchellC13-184W68-38 40 
12/28/05SewardB13-92L44-53 33 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -York Holiday TournamentYork
12/29/05@ YorkB5-153L42-47 28 
01/06/06@ SidneyB11-123L40-52 33 
01/14/06@ Gordon-RushvilleC112-102L44-48 33 
01/20/06ChadronC113-92L51-52 33 
01/21/06@ ScottsbluffB17-82L46-64 38 
01/27/06AllianceB13-122W56-52 45 
02/03/06SidneyB11-123W67-66 45 
02/09/06McCookB10-143W80-50 45 
02/09-02/11(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -East v. West ShootoutScottsbluff
02/10/06@ North PlatteA10-113W76-60 47 
02/11/06@ LexingtonB6-153W71-52 40 
02/17/06ScottsbluffB17-82L52-58 38 
02/18/06OgallalaB5-143W60-54 40 
02/25/06OgallalaB5-143W72-54 40 
02/27/06@ ScottsbluffB17-82W55-52 50 
02/28/06AllianceB13-122W58-54 45 

Total Points:
Win %: 58.333%
Average Points: 40.292

Click Here for Excel Export (Grand Island Northwest)
Grand Island Northwest (8-14)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05@ AuroraB20-21L49-56 38 
12/02/05@ Central CityC16-133W63-39 40 
12/10/05SewardB13-92W50-47 45 
12/16/05KearneyA14-102L41-61 35 
12/19/05@ LexingtonB6-153W49-47 40 
12/29/05South Sioux CityB10-133L37-43 33 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -GINW Holiday TournamentGINW
12/30/05@ SidneyB11-123W57-46 45 
01/06/06@ Columbus LakeviewB15-72L45-66 38 
01/07/06@ YorkB5-153W50-42 40 
01/14/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W35-30 45 
01/20/06@ HastingsB10-123L36-70 33 
01/21/06SchuylerB13-72L28-52 33 
01/24/06@ HoldregeB15-51W53-50 50 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
01/26/06Columbus LakeviewB15-72W46-43 50 
01/28/06@ AuroraB20-21L52-57 38 
02/03/06@ HoldregeB15-51L42-69 38 
02/10/06@ BeatriceB15-51L41-46 38 
02/11/06CreteB15-51L42-62 38 
02/16/06AuroraB20-21L54-63 38 
02/17/06@ McCookB10-143L61-76 33 
02/27/06@ HastingsB10-123 0-0 - 
02/27/06HastingsB10-123L46-48 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 36.364%
Average Points: 37.318

Click Here for Excel Export (Gretna)
Gretna (15-8)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/29/05Papillion-LaVista SouthA11-112 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L48-56 38 
12/02-12/03(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Ralston TournamentRalston
12/03/05Platte County, MOB10-143W63-58 45 
12/08/05Mount Michael BenedictineB5-164W64-47 40 
12/16/05@ ElkhornB6-153L50-53 28 
01/05/06@ AuroraB20-21L53-57 38 
01/07/06@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L59-68 38 
01/10/06@ Boys TownC119-51W64-61 50 
01/13/06WaverlyB10-102W72-68 45 
01/14/06@ Nebraska CityB4-164L45-54 28 
01/20/06PlatteviewB4-174W55-40 40 
01/21/06@ CreteB15-51W54-40 50 
01/24/06@ WaverlyB10-102W51-49 45 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Eastern Midlands ConferenceElkhorn
01/27/06@ BlairB16-72W62-59 50 
01/28/06PlattsmouthB15-82L37-56 38 
02/03/06HastingsB10-123W71-61 45 
02/04/06@ BlairB16-72W56-50 50 
02/10/06PlattsmouthB15-82W36-30 50 
02/14/06@ Ashland-GreenwoodC111-112W69-66 45 
02/17/06NorrisB12-112W51-39 45 
02/21/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W58-46 40 
02/27/06PlattsmouthB15-82W66-50 50 
02/28/06@ RalstonB16-102L49-61 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 65.217%
Average Points: 40.696

Click Here for Excel Export (Hastings)
Hastings (10-12)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/02/05@ McCookB10-143W65-41 45 
12/03/05North PlatteA10-113L50-58 35 
12/09/05@ HoldregeB15-51W48-43 50 
12/10/05Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W55-42 40 
12/17/05@ YorkB5-153W60-55 40 
12/28/05@ ColumbusA3-194W59-47 42 
12/28-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -GNAC Holiday TournamentGrand Island Senior High School
12/29/05@ KearneyA14-102L60-62 35 
12/30/05North PlatteA10-113L55-56 35 
01/07/06@ LexingtonB6-153W77-65 40 
01/14/06@ Lincoln NortheastA19-31L50-84 40 
01/20/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W70-36 45 
01/24/06@ ColumbusA3-194W51-47 42 
01/28/06FremontA7-163L53-56 30 
02/03/06@ GretnaB15-82L61-71 38 
02/04/06NorfolkA16-72L50-55 40 
02/07/06KearneyA14-102L47-51 35 
02/11/06@ AuroraB20-21L50-63 38 
02/16/06@ Grand IslandA12-102L32-52 35 
02/18/06Lincoln Pius XB9-133W50-44 45 
02/27/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143 0-0 - 
02/27/06@ Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W48-46 45 
02/28/06@ HoldregeB15-51L47-50 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 45.455%
Average Points: 37.864

Click Here for Excel Export (Holdrege)
Holdrege (15-5)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/02/05Adams CentralC118-51W56-44 50 
12/03/05AuroraB20-21L59-61 38 
12/09/05HastingsB10-123L43-48 33 
12/17/05@ McCookB10-143W68-62 45 
12/20/05OgallalaB5-143W54-45 40 
12/27/05CozadC16-163W53-47 40 
12/27-12/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Holdrege TournamentHoldrege
12/28/05SouthernC29-123W54-34 45 
01/06/06Broken BowC15-143W68-35 40 
01/07/06Grand Island Central CatholicC214-112W55-46 45 
01/13/06@ BeatriceB15-51L51-58 38 
01/14/06LexingtonB6-153W70-53 40 
01/20/06@ MindenC112-122W61-57 45 
01/21/06Lincoln Pius XB9-133W55-33 45 
01/24/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143L50-53 33 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
02/02/06GothenburgC118-41L38-43 38 
02/03/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W69-42 45 
02/10/06@ Central CityC16-133W60-37 40 
02/18/06@ YorkB5-153W60-43 40 
02/27/06LexingtonB6-153W55-43 40 
02/28/06HastingsB10-123W50-47 45 

Total Points:
Win %: 75.000%
Average Points: 41.250

Click Here for Excel Export (Lexington)
Lexington (6-15)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/02/05OgallalaB5-143W56-41 40 
12/03/05@ GothenburgC118-41L49-59 38 
12/09/05@ Broken BowC15-143W56-47 40 
12/10/05YorkB5-153W63-46 40 
12/19/05Grand Island NorthwestB8-143L47-49 33 
12/28/05North PlatteA10-113L48-57 35 
12/28-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -GNAC Holiday TournamentGrand Island Senior High School
12/29/05@ ScottsbluffB17-82L56-64 38 
12/30/05@ McCookB10-143L66-77 33 
01/06/06@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133L51-68 33 
01/07/06HastingsB10-123L65-77 33 
01/13/06@ KearneyA14-102L54-79 35 
01/14/06@ HoldregeB15-51L53-70 38 
01/19/06CozadC16-163W62-47 40 
01/28/06@ McCookB10-143W61-59 45 
02/04/06AuroraB20-21L53-81 38 
02/09/06@ AllianceB13-122L53-60 33 
02/09-02/11(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -East v. West ShootoutScottsbluff
02/10/06@ ScottsbluffB17-82L43-78 38 
02/11/06GeringB14-102L52-71 33 
02/17/06@ Lincoln SouthwestA14-92L50-61 35 
02/25/06@ McCookB10-143W66-43 45 
02/27/06@ HoldregeB15-51L43-55 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 28.571%
Average Points: 37.190

Click Here for Excel Export (Lincoln Pius X)
Lincoln Pius X (9-13)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05@ Lincoln SouthwestA14-92 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05@ WaverlyB10-102L45-58 33 
12/08/05CreteB15-51W61-46 50 
12/10/05@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L46-53 38 
12/16/05@ SewardB13-92L55-56 33 
12/17/05CB St. Albert, IAC112-102W67-55 45 
12/29/05BeatriceB15-51L40-58 38 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Doane TournamentCrete
12/30/05ElkhornB6-153W42-39 40 
01/06/06LexingtonB6-153W68-51 40 
01/13/06ElkhornB6-153W46-36 40 
01/14/06RalstonB16-102L40-44 38 
01/20/06Lincoln ChristianC16-153W71-48 40 
01/21/06@ HoldregeB15-51L33-55 38 
01/27/06@ Lincoln NortheastA19-31L38-53 40 
01/31/06BlairB16-72L45-54 38 
02/07/06@ Lincoln SoutheastA18-51L35-63 40 
02/10/06NorrisB12-112W55-41 45 
02/11/06@ Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184L32-41 28 
02/18/06@ HastingsB10-123L44-50 33 
02/25/06@ FairburyB7-133W57-35 45 
02/27/06@ BeatriceB15-51W47-46 50 
02/28/06NorrisB12-112L48-51 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 40.909%
Average Points: 37.500

Click Here for Excel Export (McCook)
McCook (10-14)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05@ Chase CountyC19-143W78-48 45 
12/02/05HastingsB10-123L41-65 33 
12/08/05Holyoke, COC114-52W66-60 50 
12/08-12/10(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Topside Tip Off TournamentGoodland, KS
12/09/05Goodland, KSC113-72L71-79 33 
12/10/05Burlington, COC115-41L79-87 38 
12/17/05HoldregeB15-51L62-68 38 
12/28/05@ KearneyA14-102L51-62 35 
12/28-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -GNAC Holiday TournamentGrand Island Senior High School
12/29/05ColumbusA3-194L59-77 30 
12/30/05LexingtonB6-153W77-66 40 
01/06/06@ HersheyC15-153W52-33 40 
01/07/06SidneyB11-123W67-65 45 
01/10/06@ Colby, KSB5-153W85-77 40 
01/13/06@ North PlatteA10-113L48-63 35 
01/19/06Scott City, KSC116-21L44-77 38 
01/19-01/21(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Orange & Black ClassicColby, KS
01/20/06Goodland, KSC113-72L54-57 33 
01/21/06Colby, KSB5-153W66-64 40 
01/28/06LexingtonB6-153L59-61 28 
02/03/06OgallalaB5-143W73-57 40 
02/09/06@ GeringB14-102L50-80 33 
02/09-02/11(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -East v. West ShootoutScottsbluff
02/10/06AllianceB13-122L65-81 33 
02/11/06@ ScottsbluffB17-82L69-92 38 
02/17/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W76-61 45 
02/18/06CozadC16-163W74-71 40 
02/25/06LexingtonB6-153L43-66 28 

Total Points:
Win %: 41.667%
Average Points: 37.417

Click Here for Excel Export (Mount Michael Benedictine)
Mount Michael Benedictine (5-16)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05@ Omaha NorthA12-122 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/01/05@ Douglas County WestC16-153W63-43 40 
12/06/05Bishop NeumannC123-21L43-58 38 
12/08/05@ GretnaB15-82L47-64 38 
12/13/05BenningtonC114-72L40-45 38 
12/16/05@ Archbishop BerganC214-92L63-68 33 
12/27/05@ Emerson-HubbardC25-164W54-28 40 
12/27-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Wayne Northeast Nebraska Shoot-outWayne State College
12/28/05Hartington Cedar CatholicC27-143L32-47 28 
12/29/05East ButlerC218-72L38-53 38 
01/07/06SyracuseC119-41L41-44 38 
01/10/06@ West Point-BeemerC12-194W54-49 40 
01/13/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143L30-32 33 
01/20/06Tekamah-HermanC16-143W48-31 40 
01/23/06@ Archbishop BerganC214-92L41-42 33 
01/23-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Centennial Conference TournamentLincoln Christian
01/31/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184L42-62 28 
02/02/06@ CB St. Albert, IAC112-102L48-55 33 
02/07/06@ WahooC115-92L61-72 33 
02/10/06Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L53-56 38 
02/14/06PlatteviewB4-174W60-55 40 
02/16/06Boys TownC119-51L44-61 38 
02/25/06@ ElkhornB6-153L19-51 28 

Total Points:
Win %: 23.810%
Average Points: 34.048

Click Here for Excel Export (Nebraska City)
Nebraska City (4-16)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/29/05@ Ashland-GreenwoodC111-112 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05SewardB13-92L43-47 33 
12/09/05@ SyracuseC119-41L25-40 38 
12/13/05@ PlatteviewB4-174L49-52 28 
12/16/05Falls CityC116-72L28-39 38 
12/29/05ChadronC113-92L48-49 33 
01/06/06WaverlyB10-102L49-56 33 
01/10/06@ PlattsmouthB15-82L44-57 38 
01/12/06@ BlairB16-72L42-67 38 
01/14/06GretnaB15-82W54-45 50 
01/16/06@ Boys TownC119-51L46-61 38 
01/16-01/20(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Boys Town TournamentBoys Town
01/20/06CB-Thomas Jefferson, IAA14-82L26-44 35 
01/24/06@ PlattsmouthB15-82L40-66 38 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Eastern Midlands ConferenceElkhorn
02/03/06AuburnC14-174W45-43 40 
02/04/06NorrisB12-112L41-54 33 
02/07/06@ Falls CityC116-72L40-56 38 
02/11/06BeatriceB15-51L28-42 38 
02/14/06@ Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W47-43 40 
02/17/06@ ElkhornB6-153W50-42 40 
02/25/06@ NorrisB12-112L37-40 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 20.000%
Average Points: 35.100

Click Here for Excel Export (Norris)
Norris (12-11)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05@ Lincoln SoutheastA18-51 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05PlatteviewB4-174W69-53 40 
12/09/05@ SewardB13-92L51-53 33 
12/16/05@ BeatriceB15-51L36-42 38 
12/17/05ElkhornB6-153W52-33 40 
12/28/05Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W45-33 40 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Waverly Holiday TournamentWaverly
12/29/05AuroraB20-21L38-47 38 
01/07/06BlairB16-72W52-51 50 
01/09/06@ Marysville, KSB17-31L48-51 38 
01/13/06FairburyB7-133W49-31 45 
01/14/06@ CreteB15-51L45-50 38 
01/20/06WaverlyB10-102L46-49 33 
01/24/06ElkhornB6-153W37-35 40 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Eastern Midlands ConferenceElkhorn
01/27/06@ PlattsmouthB15-82L35-46 38 
02/03/06PlattsmouthB15-82L29-46 38 
02/04/06@ Nebraska CityB4-164W54-41 40 
02/10/06@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133L41-55 33 
02/11/06@ Lincoln ChristianC16-153W65-46 40 
02/17/06@ GretnaB15-82L39-51 38 
02/18/06RalstonB16-102W49-44 50 
02/25/06Nebraska CityB4-164W40-37 40 
02/27/06@ WaverlyB10-102W56-49 45 
02/28/06@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133W51-48 45 

Total Points:
Win %: 52.174%
Average Points: 38.261

Click Here for Excel Export (Ogallala)
Ogallala (5-14)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/02/05@ LexingtonB6-153L41-56 28 
12/10/05@ Chase CountyC19-143L41-51 33 
12/13/05MindenC112-122W58-51 45 
12/17/05HersheyC15-153W79-42 40 
12/20/05@ HoldregeB15-51L45-54 38 
12/29/05Gordon-RushvilleC112-102W69-36 45 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Alliance Holiday TournamnetAlliance Nebraska
12/30/05@ AllianceB13-122L49-60 33 
01/05/06ScottsbluffB17-82L55-67 38 
01/06/06@ CozadC16-163L47-52 28 
01/13/06SidneyB11-123L49-60 33 
01/14/06@ ValentineC113-102L50-66 33 
01/21/06AinsworthC116-51L66-71 38 
01/23/06@ AinsworthC116-51L63-77 38 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Southwest Conference Tournament
02/03/06@ McCookB10-143L57-73 33 
02/04/06Broken BowC15-143W73-58 40 
02/11/06Perkins CountyC116-51W39-34 50 
02/17/06@ GothenburgC118-41L70-84 38 
02/18/06@ GeringB14-102L54-60 33 
02/25/06@ GeringB14-102L54-72 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 26.316%
Average Points: 36.684

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Gross Catholic)
Omaha Gross Catholic (4-18)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05@ Bellevue WestA23-31 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/03/05ElkhornB6-153L35-39 28 
12/08/05@ SchuylerB13-72L43-51 33 
12/10/05@ HastingsB10-123L42-55 33 
12/16/05BlairB16-72L51-61 38 
12/16-12/17(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Omaha Gross Catholic TourneyOmaha Gross
12/17/05PlatteviewB4-174W63-54 40 
12/28/05@ NorrisB12-112L33-45 33 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Waverly Holiday TournamentWaverly
12/29/05WaverlyB10-102L61-65 33 
01/03/06Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L48-69 38 
01/06/06@ RalstonB16-102L33-35 38 
01/16-01/21(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -River Cities ConferenceRoncalli Catholic
01/17/06@ RalstonB16-102L39-58 38 
01/20/06@ South Sioux CityB10-133L35-46 33 
01/24/06BeatriceB15-51L47-67 38 
01/27/06@ Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143L38-39 33 
01/31/06@ Mount Michael BenedictineB5-164W62-42 40 
02/07/06@ Omaha BryanA21-61L38-51 40 
02/10/06@ South Sioux CityB10-133L42-43 33 
02/11/06Lincoln Pius XB9-133W41-32 45 
02/14/06Nebraska CityB4-164L43-47 28 
02/17/06@ PlattsmouthB15-82W42-39 50 
02/21/06@ GretnaB15-82L46-58 38 
02/25/06@ RalstonB16-102L60-68 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 18.182%
Average Points: 34.909

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Roncalli Catholic)
Omaha Roncalli Catholic (9-14)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/29/05@ Bishop NeumannC123-21 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/08/05Boys TownC119-51L54-58 38 
12/15/05Douglas County WestC16-153W65-45 40 
12/16/05Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L55-63 38 
12/20/05BeatriceB15-51L42-55 38 
12/27/05@ Oakland-CraigC212-122W63-49 45 
12/27-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Douglas County West/Oakland TournamentValley
12/29/05@ Douglas County WestC16-153W71-53 40 
12/30/05ChadronC113-92W69-66 45 
01/05/06@ CB St. Albert, IAC112-102L44-51 33 
01/13/06@ Mount Michael BenedictineB5-164W32-30 40 
01/14/06@ Grand Island NorthwestB8-143L30-35 33 
01/16-01/21(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -River Cities ConferenceRoncalli Catholic
01/17/06@ South Sioux CityB10-133W51-49 45 
01/20/06@ BeatriceB15-51L46-49 38 
01/21/06@ RalstonB16-102L45-56 38 
01/27/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W39-38 40 
01/31/06BenningtonC114-72W63-55 50 
02/03/06@ RalstonB16-102L42-46 38 
02/04/06South Sioux CityB10-133W46-44 45 
02/07/06@ SchuylerB13-72L59-65 33 
02/10/06@ PlatteviewB4-174L51-56 28 
02/18/06PlattsmouthB15-82L54-55 38 
02/27/06@ South Sioux CityB10-133L46-67 33 
02/27/06South Sioux CityB10-133 0-0 - 

Total Points:
Win %: 39.130%
Average Points: 35.478

Click Here for Excel Export (Omaha Skutt Catholic)
Omaha Skutt Catholic (14-6)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05West Point Central CatholicC216-72 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05@ GretnaB15-82W56-48 50 
12/02-12/03(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Ralston TournamentRalston
12/03/05@ RalstonB16-102L42-59 38 
12/10/05Lincoln Pius XB9-133W53-46 45 
12/16/05@ Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W63-55 45 
12/17/05WaverlyB10-102W67-49 45 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Simley Holiday InviteInver Grove Heights, MN
01/03/06@ Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W69-48 40 
01/07/06GretnaB15-82W68-59 50 
01/13/06@ PlatteviewB4-174W62-56 40 
01/14/06@ SewardB13-92L45-48 33 
01/16-01/21(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -River Cities ConferenceRoncalli Catholic
01/20/06RalstonB16-102W60-47 50 
01/21/06BeatriceB15-51W62-51 50 
01/26/06South Sioux CityB10-133W51-41 45 
01/27/06CB-Thomas Jefferson, IAA14-82L44-54 35 
02/03/06ElkhornB6-153W55-49 40 
02/04/06@ BeatriceB15-51L57-67 38 
02/10/06@ Mount Michael BenedictineB5-164W56-53 40 
02/18/06Sioux City Heelan, IAB15-72W79-73 50 
02/20/06RalstonB16-102W62-49 50 
02/27/06RalstonB16-102L53-58 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 70.000%
Average Points: 41.100

Click Here for Excel Export (Platteview)
Platteview (4-17)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05SyracuseC119-41 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05@ NorrisB12-112L53-69 33 
12/06/05@ RalstonB16-102L48-78 38 
12/09/05WaverlyB10-102L54-66 33 
12/13/05Nebraska CityB4-164W52-49 40 
12/16/05@ Boys TownC119-51L38-75 38 
12/16-12/17(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Omaha Gross Catholic TourneyOmaha Gross
12/17/05@ Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184L54-63 28 
12/28/05@ Ashland-GreenwoodC111-112L58-70 33 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Ashland -Greenwood Holiday TournamentAshland
12/29/05@ ConestogaC16-163L55-69 28 
01/06/06@ PlattsmouthB15-82L39-70 38 
01/10/06@ CreteB15-51L41-58 38 
01/13/06Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L56-62 38 
01/17/06AuburnC14-174W59-51 40 
01/20/06@ GretnaB15-82L40-55 38 
01/24/06@ BlairB16-72L39-69 38 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Eastern Midlands ConferenceElkhorn
02/03/06ConestogaC16-163W60-56 40 
02/07/06BlairB16-72L51-81 38 
02/10/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W56-51 45 
02/14/06@ Mount Michael BenedictineB5-164L55-60 28 
02/21/06@ ElkhornB6-153L35-83 28 
02/25/06@ PlattsmouthB15-82L36-68 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 19.048%
Average Points: 34.190

Click Here for Excel Export (Plattsmouth)
Plattsmouth (15-8)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/29/05LouisvilleC121-31 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/09/05@ Ashland-GreenwoodC111-112W49-44 45 
12/10/05ElkhornB6-153L37-39 28 
12/12/05ConestogaC16-163W70-32 40 
12/17/05@ Falls CityC116-72W50-45 50 
12/19/05South Sioux CityB10-133W59-46 45 
12/28/05@ Logan ViewC111-92W66-40 45 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Logan View / Fort Calhoun Holiday TourneyLogan View
12/29/05Elmwood-MurdockC218-41L50-52 38 
01/06/06PlatteviewB4-174W70-39 40 
01/07/06@ WaverlyB10-102W60-58 45 
01/10/06Nebraska CityB4-164W57-44 40 
01/17/06@ BlairB16-72L54-59 38 
01/24/06Nebraska CityB4-164W66-40 40 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Eastern Midlands ConferenceElkhorn
01/27/06NorrisB12-112W46-35 45 
01/28/06@ GretnaB15-82W56-37 50 
02/03/06@ NorrisB12-112W46-29 45 
02/04/06@ Boys TownC119-51L59-76 38 
02/07/06AuburnC14-174W56-37 40 
02/10/06@ GretnaB15-82L30-36 38 
02/17/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184L39-42 28 
02/18/06@ Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W55-54 45 
02/25/06PlatteviewB4-174W68-36 40 
02/27/06@ GretnaB15-82L50-66 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 65.217%
Average Points: 39.174

Click Here for Excel Export (Ralston)
Ralston (16-10)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05Bellevue EastA11-143 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
11/28/05@ MeadD111-102 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05Platte County, MOB10-143W57-51 45 
12/02-12/03(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Ralston TournamentRalston
12/03/05Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62W59-42 50 
12/06/05PlatteviewB4-174W78-48 40 
12/08-12/10(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Blue Valley Shoot OutKansas City, MO
12/09/05Blue Valley, KSA5-153L70-79 30 
12/10/05KC Sumner Academy, KSB17-41L33-60 38 
12/20/05@ Sioux City Heelan, IAB15-72W65-48 50 
12/28/05@ YorkB5-153W46-30 40 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -York Holiday TournamentYork
12/29/05@ SewardB13-92W58-54 45 
01/06/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W35-33 40 
01/10/06WaverlyB10-102W71-66 45 
01/14/06@ Lincoln Pius XB9-133W44-40 45 
01/16-01/21(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -River Cities ConferenceRoncalli Catholic
01/17/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W58-39 40 
01/20/06@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L47-60 38 
01/21/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W56-45 45 
01/28/06@ BeatriceB15-51L39-54 38 
02/03/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W46-42 45 
02/07/06South Sioux CityB10-133L45-47 33 
02/10/06CB-Abe Lincoln, IAA1-194W52-48 42 
02/11/06@ Thomas Jefferson, IAA13-82L44-59 35 
02/18/06@ NorrisB12-112L44-49 33 
02/20/06@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L49-62 38 
02/25/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W68-60 40 
02/27/06@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62W58-53 50 
02/28/06GretnaB15-82W61-49 50 

Total Points:
Win %: 61.538%
Average Points: 38.269

Click Here for Excel Export (Schuyler)
Schuyler (13-7)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05@ BlairB16-72L54-81 38 
12/08/05Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W51-43 40 
12/09/05Central CityC16-133W48-36 40 
12/13/05@ WayneC112-112W57-54 45 
12/17/05North Bend CentralC12-184W52-32 40 
12/28/05@ Columbus LakeviewB15-72W58-52 50 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Columbus Holiday TournamentColumbus
12/29/05Twin RiverC116-51W76-62 50 
01/07/06Columbus ScotusC12-184W63-47 40 
01/12/06SewardB13-92W57-51 45 
01/20/06@ Columbus LakeviewB15-72L47-63 38 
01/21/06@ Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W52-28 45 
01/24/06@ Columbus LakeviewB15-72L49-52 38 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
02/03/06CreteB15-51L60-63 38 
02/04/06FairburyB7-133W51-50 45 
02/07/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W65-59 45 
02/11/06@ YorkB5-153L40-46 28 
02/17/06@ WahooC115-92W54-41 45 
02/18/06@ AquinasC221-21L41-57 38 
02/25/06@ Columbus LakeviewB15-72W49-35 50 
02/27/06@ AuroraB20-21L47-54 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 65.000%
Average Points: 41.800

Click Here for Excel Export (Scottsbluff)
Scottsbluff (17-8)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/01/05Torrington, WYB15-62W62-52 50 
12/01-12/03(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Western Conference InvitationalScottsbluff/Gering
12/02/05@ ChadronC113-92W65-45 45 
12/03/05@ SidneyB11-123L59-60 33 
12/08/05Montbello, COA16-82L92-100 40 
12/09/05Thornton, COA0-204W87-55 42 
12/10/05Overland, COA2-204W55-36 42 
12/16/05@ Sterling, COB11-123W61-53 45 
12/17/05ChadronC113-92W63-56 45 
12/28/05@ NorfolkA16-72L70-76 40 
12/28-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -GNAC Holiday TournamentGrand Island Senior High School
12/29/05LexingtonB6-153W64-56 40 
12/30/05@ ColumbusA3-194W69-64 42 
01/05/06@ OgallalaB5-143W67-55 40 
01/07/06@ AllianceB13-122L50-59 33 
01/13/06@ Cheyenne East, WYA18-41L48-75 40 
01/14/06Cheyenne Central, WYA14-92L49-65 35 
01/20/06AllianceB13-122W76-70 45 
01/21/06GeringB14-102W64-46 45 
01/26/06MitchellC13-184W90-32 40 
01/28/06Torrington, WYB15-62W49-41 50 
02/04/06@ SidneyB11-123W56-54 45 
02/09/06North PlatteA10-113L66-68 35 
02/09-02/11(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -East v. West ShootoutScottsbluff
02/10/06LexingtonB6-153W78-43 40 
02/11/06McCookB10-143W92-69 45 
02/17/06@ GeringB14-102W58-52 45 
02/27/06GeringB14-102L52-55 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 68.000%
Average Points: 41.400

Click Here for Excel Export (Seward)
Seward (13-9)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/02/05@ Nebraska CityB4-164W47-43 40 
12/05/05WahooC115-92W49-47 45 
12/09/05NorrisB12-112W53-51 45 
12/10/05@ Grand Island NorthwestB8-143L47-50 33 
12/16/05Lincoln Pius XB9-133W56-55 45 
12/28/05@ GeringB14-102W53-44 45 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -York Holiday TournamentYork
12/29/05RalstonB16-102L54-58 38 
01/07/06BeatriceB15-51W49-47 50 
01/12/06@ SchuylerB13-72L51-57 33 
01/14/06Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62W48-45 50 
01/19/06@ Lincoln ChristianC16-153W67-56 40 
01/20/06AuroraB20-21L44-52 38 
01/24/06CreteB15-51W42-41 50 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
01/26/06@ AuroraB20-21L39-42 38 
01/28/06Columbus LakeviewB15-72W33-32 50 
01/31/06@ Columbus LakeviewB15-72L38-50 38 
02/03/06@ WaverlyB10-102L47-48 33 
02/10/06YorkB5-153W42-40 40 
02/11/06@ FairburyB7-133W49-39 45 
02/17/06CreteB15-51L50-63 38 
02/25/06YorkB5-153W46-39 40 
02/27/06@ CreteB15-51L51-54 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 59.091%
Average Points: 41.455

Click Here for Excel Export (Sidney)
Sidney (11-12)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05BridgeportC215-72 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/01/05@ AllianceB13-122W52-50 45 
12/01-12/03(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Western Conference InvitationalScottsbluff/Gering
12/02/05Douglas, WYB18-31W61-53 50 
12/03/05ScottsbluffB17-82W60-59 50 
12/09/05Chase CountyC19-143W45-28 45 
12/16/05@ Perkins CountyC116-51L48-55 38 
12/17/05@ AllianceB13-122L57-59 33 
12/29/05@ Grand Island Central CatholicC214-112L52-64 33 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -GINW Holiday TournamentGINW
12/30/05Grand Island NorthwestB8-143L46-57 33 
01/06/06GeringB14-102W52-40 45 
01/07/06@ McCookB10-143L65-67 33 
01/13/06@ OgallalaB5-143W60-49 40 
01/14/06@ SutherlandC211-123W53-52 45 
01/20/06@ Gordon-RushvilleC112-102W60-57 45 
01/27/06@ ChadronC113-92W69-56 45 
02/03/06@ GeringB14-102L66-67 33 
02/04/06ScottsbluffB17-82L54-56 38 
02/10/06MitchellC13-184W69-66 40 
02/11/06ChadronC113-92L57-58 33 
02/17/06AllianceB13-122L57-63 33 
02/18/06@ Wheatland, WYB8-133W71-57 45 
02/27/06@ AllianceB13-122 0-0 - 
02/27/06@ AllianceB13-122L59-65 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 47.826%
Average Points: 36.304

Click Here for Excel Export (South Sioux City)
South Sioux City (10-13)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/29/05HomerC27-143 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/06/05@ Sioux City Heelan, IAB15-72L57-61 38 
12/09/05Dakota Valley, SDC110-92W63-41 45 
12/12/05LeMars, IAB10-92L41-59 33 
12/16/05Vermillion, SDB9-92W68-53 45 
12/19/05@ PlattsmouthB15-82L46-59 38 
12/29/05@ Grand Island NorthwestB8-143W43-37 45 
12/29-12/30(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -GINW Holiday TournamentGINW
12/30/05@ Grand Island Central CatholicC214-112W53-52 45 
01/03/06Sioux City East, IAA15-62L40-67 40 
01/07/06NorfolkA16-72L50-58 40 
01/14/06BeatriceB15-51W46-39 50 
01/16-01/21(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -River Cities ConferenceRoncalli Catholic
01/17/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143L49-51 33 
01/20/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W46-35 40 
01/26/06@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L41-51 38 
01/31/06Sioux City West, IAA5-164L56-61 30 
02/04/06@ Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143L44-46 33 
02/07/06@ RalstonB16-102W47-45 50 
02/10/06Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W43-42 40 
02/14/06@ Sioux City North, IAA13-82L59-77 35 
02/17/06Sergeant Bluff-Luton, IAB10-113W70-67 45 
02/27/06Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143W67-46 45 
02/27/06@ Omaha Roncalli CatholicB9-143 0-0 - 
02/28/06@ BlairB16-72L54-67 38 

Total Points:
Win %: 43.478%
Average Points: 36.783

Click Here for Excel Export (Waverly)
Waverly (10-10)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

11/28/05WahooC115-92 0-0 -Hurricane Relief Exhibition Game
12/02/05Lincoln Pius XB9-133W58-45 45 
12/08/05@ YorkB5-153W65-41 40 
12/09/05@ PlatteviewB4-174W66-54 40 
12/16/05Ashland-GreenwoodC111-112W64-54 45 
12/17/05@ Omaha Skutt CatholicB14-62L49-67 38 
12/28/05AuroraB20-21L43-58 38 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Waverly Holiday TournamentWaverly
12/29/05@ Omaha Gross CatholicB4-184W65-61 40 
01/06/06@ Nebraska CityB4-164W56-49 40 
01/07/06PlattsmouthB15-82L58-60 38 
01/10/06@ RalstonB16-102L66-71 38 
01/13/06@ GretnaB15-82L68-72 38 
01/20/06@ NorrisB12-112W49-46 45 
01/24/06GretnaB15-82L49-51 38 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Eastern Midlands ConferenceElkhorn
02/03/06SewardB13-92W48-47 45 
02/04/06@ CreteB15-51L63-65 38 
02/10/06ElkhornB6-153W58-53 40 
02/14/06BlairB16-72L61-76 38 
02/18/06BeatriceB15-51W71-52 50 
02/27/06NorrisB12-112L49-56 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 50.000%
Average Points: 38.350

Click Here for Excel Export (York)
York (5-15)
DateOpponentClassW-LDivW/LScorePointsTournament NameTournament Location

12/02/05CentennialC113-102W66-60 45 
12/08/05WaverlyB10-102L41-65 33 
12/10/05@ LexingtonB6-153L46-63 28 
12/16/05@ AuroraB20-21L51-64 38 
12/17/05HastingsB10-123L55-60 33 
12/20/05@ Fillmore CentralC11-184W52-47 40 
12/28/05RalstonB16-102L30-46 38 
12/28-12/29(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -York Holiday TournamentYork
12/29/05GeringB14-102W47-42 45 
01/07/06Grand Island NorthwestB8-143L42-50 33 
01/13/06CreteB15-51L32-47 38 
01/20/06@ FairburyB7-133L45-60 33 
01/23/06@ Central CityC16-133W45-41 40 
01/24/06@ AuroraB20-21L29-55 38 
01/24-01/28(To Be Determined)-- 0-0 -Central Conference TournamentTBA
02/03/06@ Central CityC16-133L28-55 28 
02/04/06Columbus LakeviewB15-72L46-49 38 
02/10/06@ SewardB13-92L40-42 33 
02/11/06SchuylerB13-72W46-40 45 
02/17/06@ BeatriceB15-51L35-60 38 
02/18/06HoldregeB15-51L43-60 38 
02/25/06@ SewardB13-92L39-46 33 

Total Points:
Win %: 25.000%
Average Points: 36.750